NFL Online Betting Sites

Can Peyton Manning Dominate In The NFL Again

Now that the Peyton Manning era has officially ended in Indianapolis, it’s going to be interesting to see if he can dominate the NFL with a new team. The future hall of famer will most likely thrive with his new team which means you should act now to secure your Super bowl future bet in order to get the best odds on your money. Currently you can check out the Bovada Sportsbook for current Bovada betting odds on where the former MVP will sign for the 2012-13 NFL betting season with many insiders suggesting it will be the Miami Dolphins.

As of now, we don’t know where Manning will play next season. It would be a good strategy to study the teams that might interested in his services in order to go ahead and place a future wager on that team to win the Super bowl. When Manning ultimately ends up with a team, they will become more of a favorite to win Super bowl 2013.

It was obvious that Peyton Manning was the reason for the continued success of the Indianapolis Colts and it’s quite surprising that he doesn’t have more than one Super bowl ring. If Manning winds up with a team that has a good supporting cast, he could once again hoist the Lombardi trophy and claim his second Super bowl ring.

Teams that may be interested in Manning are the Miami Dolphins, Arizona Cardinals or the Washington Redskins. Even though all of these teams make sense, the most intriguing choice is the Arizona Cardinals because Peyton Manning and Larry Fitzgerald could be unstoppable on the offensive side of the ball.

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