NFL Online Betting Sites

Online NFL Betting

If you are new to NFL online betting, the lingo and numbers can be confusing and rather intimidating. The most popular wager in professional football is betting against NFL spreads. There is an easy way to decipher the basics regarding betting NFL games. Let’s look at the following hypothetical wagering lines:

New England Patriots at Oakland Raiders (+6.5)
Tennessee Titans at Indianapolis Colts (-9.5)

The number beside the team indicates how big of a favorite or an underdog that team is to win the game. In the first example, the Oakland raiders are a 6 and a half point underdog at home to the Patriots.

If you put your money on Oakland, the Raiders wouldn’t necessarily have to win the game for you to win your bet. Oakland would have to win out right or lose by less than 6 and half points. If the final score were New England 24, Oakland 17 you would lose your bet because the difference in points is 7. However, if the score were New England 23, Oakland 17, you’d win your bet because the Raiders lost by less than 6 and a half points.

In the second example, the Colts are a 9 and a half point favorite at home. If you bet on the Colts, Indianapolis would have to beat the Titans by more than 9 and a half points. If the final score were Indianapolis 30, Tennessee 10, the Colts would have beat the point spread and you would have won your bet. If the final score were Colts 17, Titans 10, you would have lost your bet because the Titans would have beat the 9 and half point spread because they only lost by 7.

Now that you know the basics of NFL online betting, you can search for ideal wagering lines and start making money by betting on your favorite teams today.

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