NFL Online Betting Sites

Chicago Bears Betting Odds

The Chicago Bears start their season by fielding Jay Cutler as their first string quarterback. The Bears are coached by Marc Trestman and he is an offensive minded coach that is expected to mesh well with Jay Cutler. The biggest knock on Jay Cutler has always been his injury proneness. Potential injuries to Cutler no doubt affect the 2014-15 Chicago Bears betting odds going into Super Bowl 2015.

When Cutler is in the game, he is always capable of making the big throw. Cutler seems to be a good fit and the underdog Bears have the recipe of a team that could surprise NFL fans this season. The Bears won the Superbowl back in 1985 during their legendary season with Mike Ditka as the coach. Today, NFL superstars such as Jared Allen and Brandon Marshall will be helping this team make their way back to the Super Bowl. The Bears start their season off by playing the Buffalo Bills and their game kicks off on Sunday September 7th 2014 at 1pm.

The game will be aired on FOX. The following week, the Bears will travel to the west coast to play the 49ers on Sunday Night Football. The Bears are sitting at 16/1 to win the Super Bowl in 2015 and those odds put this organization within striking distance of actually showing up in the big game. In the NFL, anything could happen and the Bears are expected to do well in the NFC North division.

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