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Super Bowl Prop Bets 2020

Ready for a list of the best Super Bowl prop bets? The Super Bowl is only a few days away, which means it is time to look at some of the prop bets being offered by sportsbooks. When it comes to the props offered by sportsbooks, some have to do with the game, while others are random. Some of the props listed for Super Bowl LIV are:

Color of Gatorade Dumped On Winning Coach

Yes, this is an actual prop bet for the Super Bowl. The winning head coach traditionally has a bucked of Gatorade dumped on them and this allows bettors to choose which color of Gatorade that will be dumped on the winning coach. The options for Super Bowl prop bets are:

Clear: +160
Lime/Yellow/ Green: +250
Orange: +350
Blue: +400
Red: +750
Purple +1200

National Anthem

This prop bet allows bettors to decide how long or short the National Anthem will be. The National Anthem prop for the Super Bowl is:
Over two minutes: -190
Under two minutes: +120

Exotic Super Bowl Prop Bets

This prop is about things that will happen during the broadcast that don’t have anything to do with the game. Some of the exotic props available for the Super Bowl include:

How many commercials will be shown during the broadcast?

Over 96: -120
Under 96: -120

Will a fan run on the field?

Yes: +500
No: -650

Which team will win the Puppy Bowl?
Team Fluff -7.5: -120
Team Ruff: +7.5: -120

Super Bowl Prop Bets Player Props

These props involve betting on players to achieve certain goals during the game. Some of the bets offered include:

Which quarterback will have more passing yards?

Patrick Mahomes: -200
Jimmy Garoppolo: +160
Who will score the first touchdown?
Damien Williams (KC) +500
Tyreek Hill (KC) +600
Travis Kelce (KC) +600
George Kittle (SF) +900
Deebo Samuel (SF) +1000
Emmanuel Sanders (SF) +1000
Sammy Watkins (KC) +1200
Matt Breida (SF) +1200
Kendrick Bourne (SF) +1600
Mecole Hardman (KC) +1600
Darwin Thompson (KC) +1600
Patrick Mahomes (KC) +2000
Demarcus Robinson (KC) +2000
Field +650

Check out the second part of this article for more Super Bowl props.

SuperBowl Props Part II

This is the second-part of Super Bowl prop bets offered during the Super Bowl.

Which Coach Will Be Mentioned First On TV After Kickoff?

Andy Reid -145
Kyle Shanahan +105
Which team will call for a Fair Catch First in Game?
San Francisco 49ers -120
Kansas City Chiefs -120

Who will the Super Bowl MVP mention first in his speech?

Teammates +115
God +250
City +500
Coach +500
Owner +1600
Family or Family Members +750
None of the Above +575

Will Andy Reid Coach The Super Bowl In A Hawaiian Shirt?

Yes +1400
No -10000

Will Nike Release A Commercial With Colin Kaepernick During The Super Bowl?

Yes +1000
No -5000

Super Bowl Prop Bets MVP

Patrick Mahomes (KC) +105
Jimmy Garoppolo (SF) +260
Raheem Mostert (SF) +700
George Kittle (SF) +1400
Travis Kelce (KC) +1400
Tyreek Hill (KC) +1500
Damien Williams (KC) +2000
Nick Bosa (SF) +2000
Deebo Samuel (SF) +2500
Emmanuel Sanders (SF) +4000
Richard Sherman (SF) +4000
Sammy Watkins (KC) +5000
Tevin Coleman (SF) +6000
Matt Breida (SF) +6600
Mecole Hardman (KC) +6600
Tyrann Mathieu (KC) +7000
Frank Clark (KC) +9000

Continued Superbowl Proposition Wagers

Arik Armstead (SF) +10000
Chris Jones (KC) +10000
Daniel Sorensen (KC) +10000
DeForest Buckner (SF) +12500
Dee Ford (SF) +12500
Fred Warner (SF) +12500
Demarcus Robinson (KC) +15000
Kwon Alexander (SF) +15000
Anthony Hitchens (KC) +20000
Jaquiski Tartt (SF) +20000
Kendrick Bourne (SF) +20000
Kyle Juszczyk (SF) +20000
Reggie Ragland (KC) +20000
Bashaud Breeland (KC) +25000
Darwin Thompson (KC) +25000
Emmanuel Moseley (SF) +25000
Jimmie Ward (SF) +25000
Robbie Gould (SF) +25000
Terrell Suggs (KC) +25000
Charvarius Ward (KC) +30000
Damien Wilson (KC) +30000
Dre Greenlaw (SF) +30000
Harrison Butker (KC) +30000
Blake Bell (KC) +40000
Byron Pringle (KC) +50000
Dante Pettis (SF) +50000
Deon Yelder (KC) +50000
Jordan Matthews (SF) +50000
Levine Toilolo (SF) +50000
Ross Dwelley (SF) +50000
Sheldon Day (SF) +50000

Until next time, be sure to check back here for complete Super Bowl prop bets.

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